
These Terms of Use (also: "Disclaimer") apply to the visit to and use of this website of Good Shepherd Entertainment ("Website") as well as to the information and / or services made available on or via the Website ( "Information"). By using the Website you agree to the applicability of the Disclaimer. We would like to point out that these terms and conditions may be changed from time to time. Visitors to the Website are advised to check the conditions for changes periodically. The Disclaimer is available for inspection at the offices of Good Shepherd Entertainment and will be sent free of charge via support@goodshepherd.games.

Information and liability

The Information is intended for information purposes and is not intended as advice. Interested parties should properly realize the risks associated with an investment and consult their own financial and tax adviser (s) before investing. Good Shepherd Entertainment is not liable for any damage resulting from the use (or the inability to use) of the Website, including damage due to viruses or the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the Information, unless the damage is the result of intent or gross debt from Good Shepherd Entertainment. Good Shepherd Entertainment is furthermore not liable for damage resulting from the use of electronic means for communication with this website, including - but not limited to - damage as a result of non-delivery or delay in the delivery of electronic messages, interception or manipulation of electronic messages by third parties or by software / equipment used for electronic communication and transmission of viruses.

Links with other websites

The Website contains from time to time links to external internet pages. Good Shepherd Entertainment is not liable for the use or content of internet pages to which a link is included on this website or of internet pages with a link to this website.


Good Shepherd Entertainment uses cookies from time to time. These are small files that store your surfing behavior on your own computer. This has different functions; For example, Good Shepherd Entertainment can track how many visitors the site has one day and which websites are more popular among our visitors. Cookies only remember your preferences and interests based on surfing behavior. So they do not remember personal data. By using this website, the user authorizes the use of cookies. Good Shepherd Entertainment maintains a strict privacy policy, also with regard to cookies. Your information is handled with the utmost care and secured.

Property rights

Unless otherwise indicated, all rights, including copyright and other intellectual property rights, are vested in the Website and the Information at Good Shepherd Entertainment.

Visitors may consult the website and the Information and make copies thereof for their own use, for example by printing or storing them. Any other use of the Website or the Information, for example the storage or reproduction of (a part of) the Website in another internet page or the making of links, hyperlinks or deep links between the Website and any other internet page, is not permitted without the express written permission from Good Shepherd Entertainment.

Unsolicited submitted ideas

In case you place unsolicited ideas and / or materials, including, but not limited to, texts, images, sounds, software or information (the "Materials") on this Website or send them to Good Shepherd Entertainment via e-mail or otherwise , Good Shepherd Entertainment will be entitled to use, copy and / or commercially exploit these materials, in the broadest sense, without being liable for compensation and Good Shepherd Entertainment will not be required to keep the Materials in question a secret.

You hereby indemnify Good Shepherd Entertainment for all damage and costs incurred by Good Shepherd Entertainment or make third-party claims that the use and / or exploitation of the Materials infringe on (intellectual) property rights of third parties or is otherwise unlawful towards a third party.


If these terms and conditions are or become partially invalid, the parties remain bound to the remaining part. The parties will replace the invalid part by stipulations that are valid and of which the legal consequences, in view of the content and the scope of these conditions of use, correspond as much as possible to those of the invalid part.

Applicable law and competent court

These terms and conditions are exclusively subject to Dutch law. All disputes arising in connection with these conditions of use, including disputes about the existence and validity thereof, will be settled by the competent court in The Hague.